At this time, open enrollment is being held for your Flexible Benefits only. Your healthcare enrollment is pending final negotiations and ratification with the Unions, and Board approval. Therefore, your current Cigna plan or opt-out option will continue for January 1, 2020 until we are able to offer you an open enrollment period.
Cigna healthcare plans continue to be offered to eligible employees and their dependents, and to retirees and their dependents who are under age 65, or dependents over age 65 and not Medicare eligible: Cigna OAP 10 (only offered to current participants), Cigna OAP 20 and Cigna LocalPlus. Cigna LocalPlus is comprised of a network of physicians who have demonstrated the best outcomes. Check to see if your doctor has been added.
- These healthcare plans are offered on a guaranteed basis.
- If enrolling in a Cigna Healthcare plan, you and your eligible dependent must enroll in the same healthcare plan.
- You are not required to select a Primary Care Physician and referrals are not needed when seeking services from a specialist.
- We strongly encourage you and/or your covered dependent(s) to establish a relationship with a physician.
- In accordance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) medical, Rx costs, deductibles and co-insurance are counted toward your Annual Maximum Out-of-Pocket (MOOP). Participants save more, because once the MOOP has been reached; the participant will be covered 100 percent and will have no other healthcare costs to pay.
Cigna Healthcare Plans
Cigna Providers
Prescription Coverage
Preventive Health Services
24 hours / Seven days a week
Your Benefits

Office of Risk and Benefits Management
1501 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 335
Miami, Florida 33132
Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
FBMC Service Center
Mon - Fri, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET
1-855-MDC-PS4U (1-855-632-7748)