2021 Employee Benefits
Open Enrollment: November 2 - 20, 2020
Here are some common questions about Open Enrollment.
What is the Open Enrollment Period?
The Open Enrollment period is a period of time, determined by your employer, during which you are allowed to make any changes to your current benefits.
Note: No changes are allowed after the commencement of a new plan year, unless you experience a qualifying event.
When are healthcare benefits effective and for how long?
The benefits are effective January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.
Must all eligible employees enroll for benefits effective January 1, 2021?
Healthcare: Yes. This is a mandatory enrollment for the Cigna healthcare plans. If you do not re-enroll your current healthcare selection will terminate December 31, 2020.
Flexible Benefits: No. You only need to re-enroll during this Open Enrollment period if you are making a change to your current flexible benefits.
What should all eligible employees do during this Open Enrollment period for benefits effective?
- Visit your benefits webpage at dadeschools.net and under “Highlights” click on “2021 Benefits”.
- Log into the employee portal and carefully review your current 2020 Benefits Statement for reference during your open enrollment session. Then, review your 2021 Benefits Statement, which will reflect your benefits if you do not enroll and your per pay deductions.
- Review your benefits to ensure you’ve selected the plans that best fits your needs.
- If you elect to enroll in the Cigna SureFit plan, a Primary Care Physician (PCP) selection is required at the time of enrollment; therefore, verify your physician’s participation prior to making your selection.
- If you do not elect a healthcare plan, you will be auto-assigned to the Cigna SureFit plan. This plan requires a Primary Care Physician (PCP); therefore, Cigna will assign you a participating provider based on your zip code.
- Review/Update your beneficiary designation (Name, Date of Birth and Social Security Number is required).
- If you elect to cover your spouse or domestic partner in a medical plan, you will need to complete the spouse/domestic partner affidavit and check the applicable box on the online enrollment application that best describes the status of their coverage.
- Complete your 2021 benefit elections by submitting your changes and print your Employee Benefits Confirmation Statement.
What happens if I do not re-enroll by the enrollment deadline?
If you do not re-enroll during this Open Enrollment period, the following will occur:
- Your and your dependent’s current Cigna healthcare coverage will terminate on December 31, 2020.
- If you are currently declining healthcare coverage, your opt-out election will terminate on December 31, 2020.
- If you are being deducted the spouse/domestic partner annual surcharge, the deductions will terminate December 31, 2020.
- You will be automatically auto-assigned to the Cigna SureFit healthcare plan, which will be the free Board-paid option for all full-time benefits eligible employees.
- Selection of a Primary Care Physician (PCP) is required at the time of enrollment. If a PCP is not selected, Cigna will assign you a participating provider based on your zip code.
- You must live in the tri-county (Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach) service area.
- If you are currently enrolled in Flexible Benefits, those benefits will continue for the 2021 plan year.
- If you are currently enrolled in Medical FSA and/or Dependent Care FSA, those benefits will continue for the 2021 plan year.
How will I know when I can access the online enrollment application?
When is the last day to make a change for benefits effective January 1, 2021?
When is the online enrollment application available?
What if I enroll and I want to change my benefits selections?
You may log into the enrollment site and change your healthcare benefits selections as many times as you want throughout the Open Enrollment period. Your last saved and submitted selections will be your benefits, effective January 1, 2021. Changes made to your benefits during the Open Enrollment period of November 2, 2020 through November 20, 2020, until 11:59 p.m., will be effective January 1, 2021. For full-time employees, the first deductions will be taken on the payroll date January 1, 2021.
What changes can I make during Open Enrollment?
Can I select coverage for myself through one benefit plan and another for my family?
Can I decline healthcare coverage?
Yes. You may decline healthcare coverage. You must provide proof of other group or state-funded program coverage. Enrollment in an individual healthcare plan does not qualify. Additionally, you must agree to the provision set forth in the affidavit.
If I decline healthcare coverage, what happens to the Board contribution towards my healthcare coverage?
- 10-month employees will receive their payments in 20 pay checks.
- 11-month employees will receive their payments in 24 pay checks.
- 12-month employees will receive their payments in 26 pay checks.
If you do not provide proof of other group healthcare coverage or state-funded healthcare coverage, you will be automatically assigned to the Cigna SureFit (Employee-only) healthcare plan and standard Short-term Disability.
If electing to decline healthcare coverage during this Open Enrollment, you are required to submit proof of enrollment in another group or state-funded program, even if previously submitted.
Will I be able to view and print a confirmation of my 2021 benefits selections?
Yes. Prior to enrollment you can view your 2021 Benefits Statement and verify you are enrolled in the benefits you need.
What healthcare plans are being offered for the 2021 plan year?
The new Cigna Healthcare plans being offered are: Cigna Open Access Plan High, Open Access Plan Standard and SureFit.
Is there a free healthcare option being offered?
How do I view the Cigna Healthcare directories?
To view participating providers in Cigna: log in to www.mycigna.com and click on “Find a Provider”.
How do I prove that my spouse/domestic partner has or does not have group coverage available through her/his employer?
During the online enrollment, the application will display an Affidavit and you will be given the opportunity to click on the box that best describes the status of your dependent’s group coverage.
- If you cover your spouse/domestic partner on your healthcare plan and your spouse/domestic partner has coverage available from his/her own employer, an additional annual surcharge of $500 will be charged. The annual surcharge will be billed on a bi-weekly basis according to your pay schedule.
- If you cover your spouse/domestic partner on your healthcare plan and your spouse/domestic partner does not have an employer sponsored healthcare plan available to him/her, the spousal surcharge will not be applied.
What do I need to submit to ensure that my dependent(s) will have coverage?
If not previously submitted, you will need to submit dependent eligibility verification. Otherwise, your dependent’s coverage may be terminated.
Will my current Adult Child dependent’s coverage continue?
No. Your current adult child healthcare coverage will terminate December 31, 2020. If you wish to continue their participation in a sponsored group healthcare plan, you must re-enroll them for the 2021 plan year.
Leave & Termination
If I take a Board-approved leave of absence, whom do I contact about my benefit?
Once your leave is approved and the Office of Risk and Benefits Management receives notification, you will be eligible for applicable benefits in accordance to your Bargaining Unit and type of leave. You will be billed for employer-paid benefits in accordance to the type of leave and labor contact. Additionally, you will be billed for all employee-paid benefits.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools implements the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) through provisions contained in the School Board Rules and collective bargaining agreements.
For questions regarding your benefits while on leave, please call the Leave Billing Specialist at 305-995-7458.
What happens to my benefits if I terminate employment?
Your coverage will cease at the end of the calendar month in which employment terminates. Benefits will remain in effect through August 31st for 10-month employees who terminate employment during the last month of the school year.
Note: An individual who loses coverage under the plan becomes entitled to elect COBRA. The individual has the right to continue his or her medical, dental, and vision coverage under COBRA law for a period of 18 months and/or Medical FSA deposits until the end of the plan year following termination of employment. The individual must notify the COBRA specialist at the Office of Risk and Benefits Management at 305-995-1285 or 305-995-7137.
Your Benefits

Office of Risk and Benefits Management
1501 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 335
Miami, Florida 33132
Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
FBMC Service Center
Mon - Fri, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET
1-855-MDC-PS4U (1-855-632-7748)